
Goodness Of Grass-Fed Beef: A Flavorful And Healthy Choice

Have you ever savored a juicy, mouth-watering beef burger and wondered what tastes and nutrients the animal ingested  before it became your delicious meal? 

To accommodate the rising demand for meat, the majority of cows today are reared in inhumane industrial farms. The soy, wheat, and maize in their diets are supplemented with various substances to help the cows gain weight.Would you believe that some cows even indulge in sweet foods like ice cream sprinkles, cereal, and gummy worms? It's true! Farmers justify this practice as a cost-saving measure and limit the cows' consumption of sugar to only 3%.

The good news is , there is a better and healthier way to enjoy beef - with grass-fed beef from grass-fed cows! These cows graze on natural grass, allowing them to live a normal, stress-free life. They are not exposed to antibiotics, hormones, or grain, making their meat healthier and more wholesome than conventionally raised cattle. So, go ahead and indulge in a delicious, guilt-free burger made from grass-fed beef. Your taste buds and your health will thank you for it!

According to research, the market for grass-fed beef is expected to soar with a whopping Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.9% between 2022 and 2027. Experts predict that the industry is expected to grow by a staggering 12.15 billion USD. The surge in demand can be attributed to the introduction of innovative products that are boosting the consumption of grass-fed beef. 

Moreover, the numerous health benefits of grass-fed beef are also driving the market's expansion. So, keep your eyes peeled, and get ready to enjoy the delicious and healthy taste of grass-fed beef that is sweeping the globe! 

First Things First, Grass-Fed Beef is Better for You

Get ready for a tantalizing tale of two steaks! Imagine a romantic restaurant meal for two during which one person orders the “grass-fed” steak  while the other person goes for the “normal beef” which is  grain-fed. But wait, will they be enjoying the same type of beef? Well, not necessarily! Let’s dive deeper into the juicy details.

When beef is labeled as “grass-fed,” it means the cattle have access to pastures where they can graze and forage for their food, just like they would in the wild. Even during harsh winters, some farmers might provide grass subsidies to maintain the animal’s natural eating habits. In contrast, a grain-fed diet involves feeding animals grains, which results in high calorie intake and an artificial growth pattern that deprives them of essential nutrients.

What does this all mean for your taste buds, then? Steaks made from Grass-fed beef are leaner, tastier, and packed with flavor. They might  be smaller than grain-fed beef steaks, but  they still boast a beautiful off-white layer of fat and ideal size for a satisfying meal. And for those following Paleo or Keto diets, opting for grass-fed beef means adhering to the animal’s natural diet and reaping the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. So, go ahead and savor the delicious taste of grass-fed beef and enjoy a guilt-free meal with your loved one!

Potential Health Benefits Of Grass-Fed Beef

Now that you are aware of the distinctions between grass-fed and grain-fed beef let’s explore some of the most significant ones. Grass-fed and grass-finished cattle have been demonstrated to offer some advantages despite their high price, including:

According to Jo Robinson, founder of EatWild.com, “If you eat a typical quantity of beef per year, which in the United States is roughly 67 pounds, converting to grass-fed beef will save you almost 16,642 calories a year.”

Because their diet is more natural and pure, beef from grass-fed cattle has a lower overall fat level. Even though it would cost about $300 extra each year, the quantity of calories you can save is astounding.

Antibiotics must be consumed in large quantities by cows raised on grains to prevent illness. Even when you choose grain-fed beef, you are consuming these antibiotics. These typical cattle are not only antibiotic-laced but are hormone-laced as well.

These CAFO cows grow faster as a result of hormones like RBST and mature up to a year sooner than grass-fed cows. Studies suggest individuals who consume animals treated with growth hormones over a lengthy period of time may experience early puberty. Of course, our grass-fed animals are never provided any hormones or antibiotics.

The fact that grass-fed meat tastes better is another big plus. One of the reasons why many people believe grass-fed beef has a superior flavor is because it tastes more natural . As previously stated, cows are intended to consume  grass, which helps them maintain their health and keeps their muscles lean. Even though fat contributes significantly to the flavor and texture of beef, greater fat does not always translate into better flavor.

Grass-fed meat has a mild, earthy flavor that comes from the cows’ diversified diet. Spices can be more clearly recognized due to the cow’s clean diet, and little butter enhances the taste of a grass-fed steak.

Due to the fact that they are essential to every cell and system in your body, omega-3 fatty acids are regarded as healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most heart-friendly of all fats.

High blood pressure and cardiac issues are less common in people who consume enough  omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, their likelihood of having a heart attack is reduced by 50%.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also necessary for optimal brain function A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids lowers the risk of developing ADD, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and other mental diseases.

When compared to beef from cows fed on grains, meat from grass-fed animals has nearly twice as much conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The majority of naturally occurring nutrients with anticarcinogenic effects come from plant-based meals; however, CLA stands out as one of the few anticancer nutrients that come from meat.

One of the nutrients with the greatest ability to prevent cancer is CLA. According to research, women who consumed large quantities of foods high in CLA have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who consumed little to no CLA.

Grass-fed meat not only has better health outcomes but also is more environmentally friendly.

Compared to cows restricted in grains, cows grown on pasture use less fossil fuel. Cows who feed grass take care of the land they graze on and provide natural fertilizer for it. As a result, the diversity of the grassland ecosystem grows and the quality of the runoff water improves.

It is precious to know that the food you are feeding yourself and your kids is devoid of antibiotics, hormones, and other hazardous ingredients.

With pride, Zalim Foods offers you that tranquility.

No hormones, antibiotics or crowded feedlots are ever given to our cows. They attain their  maximum size before being harvested and grow at a natural rate (24–48 months). 

So relax and just take pleasure in your meal.

Is Grass-Fed Beef Worth The Extra Cost And Potential Inconvenience?

Despite the fact that beef from cows fed on grass is usually 2-3 times more expensive than beef from cattle fed on grains. But, if you frequently eat beef, care about your health, and enjoy red meat, you wouldn’t hesitate to spend the extra money.

Some people have to drive very far from their houses to purchase grass-fed beef, and they will still find a way to get by and even prefer the inconvenience for the sake of their health.

Eventually, this all depends on your values and predilections.


We agree that the food options are influenced by your values and interests. But you have probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat .”So, despite all the disagreements around nutrition, most people agree that it’s necessary to consume a variety of wholesome foods.

There are numerous reasons why consumers who have the capacity to do so choose grass-fed beef over conventional beef. One of the proteins with the greatest nutritional content is grass-fed beef. It offers a rich nutritional profile and a healthy supply of omega-3 fatty acids, which are proven to enhance cognitive performance .

Admitting the fact that standard grain-fed beef may not be very healthy but it is still preferable to sugar-laden junk food and other sources of empty calories.

At the end of the day, the decision ultimately comes down to your values and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes!! Grass-fed beef is easier to digest.

Furthermore, ordinary beef can include antibiotic residues that might disrupt the balance of healthy microorganisms in your body. 

In comparison to beef raised on grains, grass-fed beef cooks approximately 30% faster.

Grass-fed beef is visually distinct from beef that has been raised conventionally. Because beta-carotene is present, the fat is much darker and orange in color.

It can also be a terrific way to eat more nutritious foods if you lack the drive or time to prepare them.

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